If I'm Sued, What Recourse do I Have?

If you are sued for violation of accessibility standards, there are several options for recourse:

  1. Settling the lawsuit: This may involve paying a monetary settlement and/or making changes to your website to bring it into compliance with accessibility standards.
  2. Negotiating a resolution: You may be able to negotiate a resolution with the plaintiff, such as coming to an agreement on specific changes to your website that need to be made to bring it into compliance with accessibility standards.
  3. Defending the lawsuit: This may involve hiring an attorney and mounting a legal defense against the allegations of violation of accessibility standards.
  4. Seeking alternative dispute resolution: This may involve using alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation or arbitration, to resolve the dispute.
  5. Making changes to your website to bring it into compliance with accessibility standards: This may be the best option to avoid future lawsuits and ensure that your website is accessible to people with disabilities.

It is important to note that the specific options available to you in the event of a lawsuit will depend on the specific circumstances of your case and the laws of your jurisdiction. Seeking the advice of a qualified attorney is recommended if you are facing a lawsuit for violation of accessibility standards.